Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

Year 4 Hazel: Mrs Burton

Year 4 Hazel 2023-2024
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
County Ground Visit and Football Training - Year 4, Term 6
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Fruit Tasting - Year 4, Term 6
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Term 3 Hazel Class
In Year 4, Term 3, we have recently been learning about rainforests and persuasive letters, which we have linked together. Our persuasive letters that we write are going to be sent to our Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak. In guided reading lessons, we have read and enjoyed The Firework Maker’s Daughter by Phillip Pullman and we all loved it very much.
Our author of the term is Anthony Browne. We have listened to many of his books in story time. We have really enjoyed our rainforest topic, particularly and have been fascinated by facts about deforestation, especially around orangutans and how they are endangered.
By Adora, Vania and Janiah
Year 4: Book Hook Term 5
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Year 4 Science Week Term 5 – State of Matter
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Year 4 Science Week Term 5 – Panpipes
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Year 4 English - Persuasive Letters
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Year 4 RE: Judaism
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Year 4 Science Week Term 5 - Digestive System
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Year 4 - The Shaman's Apprentice
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Year 4 - Celebration Of The Word
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Year 4 - Poison Bean Bag Dart Frogs
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Persuasive Letters – English
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Mental Health Week
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Child Led Collective Worship
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
RE Cross Curricular Write
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Book Hook
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Science: Sound
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
National Storytelling Week in Year 4
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Maths Week: Perimeter
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
R.E.: Revelation
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
English: Persuasive Letters
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Maths: Shape and Symmetry
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Year 4, Term 2 Celebrations – Electricity
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
LPA Football
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Learning Cricket
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Year 4, Term 1 Celebrations – Electricity!
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

Topic webs and letters
2024 - 2025

Year 4 Term 1 and 2 Topic Web

Click to see our topic web archive.

Meet the teacher - Mrs Burton
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
I am Mrs Burton and I am thrilled to be working at Holy Cross in Hazel Class this year. I’ve been teaching and working in education for nearly 20 years and it is my passion to help children to grow and learn.

I live with my husband, my little boy and my two precious Siamese cats who are called Melody and Aya. Melody is nearly 14 years old and likes to carry cuddly toys around my house! Spending time with my family is very important to me; I have lots of nephews and nieces who I adore.

Music is my absolute favourite thing in life. I love to play the piano, flute, saxophone, clarinet, oboe and recorders and you can sometimes find me in the orchestra pit at The Wyvern Theatre playing for shows. I look forward to sharing my love of music with the children here! Watch out for me singing a lot…

At school, I particularly enjoy teaching English, music, French, history and geography. I hope to make learning fun for the children I teach. Working together with my class, I just know we are going to have a fantastic year!

Click to see our 2022-2023 gallery archive.

Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Queen's Drive
Telephone: 01793 527679
Email: admin@holycross.swindon.sch.uk
Headteacher: Mrs S Dowdeswell
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