Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

EYFS Ash: Ms J Rutherford & Mrs Nichols

EYFS Ash 2023-2024
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Term 6 in Ash Class
Welcome to the latest update from Ash Class! This term has been filled with incredible experiences and valuable learning opportunities for the children. Our adventure began with a thrilling visit to Farmer Gow's - an enriching trip where the children got to gain first-hand experience of farm life and learnt about which animals live on a farm. Another highlight of our term was witnessing the magical transformation of caterpillars into beautiful butterflies. Ash class observed this incredible process before releasing the butterflies into our outside area and watching them flutter away into the sky.
Sports day was a roaring success, filled with laughter, cheers, and fun. The children had great fun participating in various activities and showcasing their sporting prowess. We have also delved into the depths of the jungle with our role play area, sparking creativity and imagination among our explorers.
In literacy, the children have been honing their writing skills through engaging activities centred around animals. From descriptive animal tales to informative instructions, our budding writers have truly excelled in their sentence writing. Mathematics has been another focus area this term, with a strong emphasis on mastering number bonds and recognising 2D and 3D shapes. The 'shape bag game' has been a hit among the children, making learning shapes a joyous and interactive experience.
As a school community, we embarked on a sponsored walk around our picturesque school field, raising spirits and funds along the way. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all parents and guardians for their unwavering support throughout the term. Your involvement and encouragement have been instrumental in the growth and success of all the children in Ash class.
As the term draws to a close, we want to wish all our amazing children the very best as they transition into Year One next year. May they carry the joys of learning and the memories of Ash Class with them as they embark on new adventures.
In conclusion, we hope you all have a fantastic summer break filled with laughter, relaxation, and precious moments with loved ones. Thank you once again for being part of our vibrant Ash Class community. Until next term, stay curious, stay enthusiastic, and keep shining bright!
Writing in Ash, Term 6
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Outside fun in Ash, Term 6
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Charity walk in Ash, Term 6
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Farm in Ash, Term 6
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Maths Activities in Ash, Term 6
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Butterflies in Ash, Term 6
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Term 5 in Ash Class
At the start of the term in Ash class, we read the classic story of 'Jack and the Beanstalk'. We took part in some exciting activities linked to the tale, including writing our own 'fee fi fo fum' sentences from the perspective of the giant. We even had the pleasure of growing our own beanstalks, observing their growth with magnifying glasses as they reached taller and taller heights – a truly magical experience for the little ones.
We have also read the story 'The Princess and the Wizard' by Julia Donaldson, the children had fun constructing magnificent castles using our range of building materials. Through role play in our continuous provision, they engaged in retelling the story using the characters, building on their creativity and communication skills.
In our writing sessions centred around the Princess and the Wizard, the children wrote fantastic sentences describing the various animals that the princess was transformed into by the wizard. This theme extended to our castle role play area, where they enjoyed acting out the stories we have explored, bringing the narratives to life with their costumes and royal feasts.
On a musical note, the class learned the charming song 'There was a princess long ago', complete with actions that brought the lyrics to life. The highlight of the term was undoubtedly our Prince and Princess day, where the children showed our parent visitors the song and worked together with their adult to create wonderful artwork, from shields to crowns and wands.
In the realm of mathematics, the children have been exploring the concepts of halving and doubling using objects such as counters, pebbles, and cubes to grasp the fundamentals effectively. Additionally, they have been enhancing their understanding of number composition, particularly focusing on number bonds, essential for their numeracy skills.
Wishing you a wonderful break and looking forward to welcoming the children back for more adventures in term six.
Castle building & castle role play
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
There was a princess long ago
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Tricky Words
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Number Bonds
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
How to grow a bean
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Term 4 in Ash Class
Ash class have enjoyed lots of wonderful activities during Term 4. We began learning about Lent in RE; We are learning that we can be closer to God through prayer and that we begin to prepare for Easter during Lent. We created some lovely Lenten promises to display in our classroom to remind us of our preparation for Easter.
Easter Egg hunt
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Parent Café
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Menu writing
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
World Book Day
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Palm Sunday
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Pancake Day
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Term 3 in Ash Class
Ash class have been so busy this term. We started the term with the Journey of the 3 Wise men following the Star to Bethlehem and imagined how long that journey was.
We have also enjoyed dressing up as Vets and customers in our role play. We have have loved using stethoscopes and bandaging poorly pets. After listening to Dear Zoo we wrote to the zoo to ask for a pet and made pet carriers for them just like they had in the story.
We also took part in maths week activities and wore tee shirts with numbers on for a day. That was good fun.
The last week of the term we celebrated Chinese New Year and tried some Dragon and Ribbon dances. We also made lanterns, dragon puppets and masks.
Our best bit of the term was when our Parents came to our Stay and Play session they helped us make our dragons and played outside with us. We are also super proud of our writing this term as we are now beginning to write simple words by ourselves. You can see all we did in the photos from the term - enjoy.
Writing in Ash class
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Stay and Play in Ash class
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Chinese New Year
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Maths Week in Ash class
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
EYFS Term 1
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
EYFS, Term 1 Celebrations – What a fantastic start to the year
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

Topic webs and letters
2023 - 2024

EYFS Summer 2 2023 - 24
EYFS Summer 1 2023 -24

EYFS Spring Term 2: Cafe Role play
EYFS Spring Term 1: Vets Role play

EYFS Term 2: Post Office Role
EYFS Term 1: Home Corner Role

Phase 3 sounds taught in Reception Spring 1
These are the Spring 1 ( Phase 3 ) phonemes taught this term and repeated in Spring 2
How to say the Phase 3 sounds
Phase 3 sounds taught in Reception Spring 1

Phase 2 grapheme information sheet: Autumn 1
Phase 2 grapheme information sheet: Autumn 2

Phase 2 sounds taught in Reception Autumn 1 This Phase 2 sounds taught in Reception Autumn 1 video is designed to be shared with families by schools using Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised to help them to support learning at home.

Phase 2 sounds taught in Reception Autumn 2
This Phase 2 sounds taught in Reception Autumn 2 video is designed to be shared with families to help them to support learning at home.

Meet the teacher - Ms J Rutherford
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
A big welcome to Early Years at Holy Cross Primary School Swindon. I joined the school as an Early Years Phase leader when it opened in 2015 to set up the Early Years Phase. However, I have had an exciting teaching journey across London, Berkshire, Wiltshire and Swindon. I have taught years 6 through to reception. My experience has grown from the varied roles I have had - teacher, subject leader, key stage leader, phase leader, SENco, Education Consultant and Deputy Head.

My special place is Holy Cross. Everyday the children and families at Holy Cross inspire me in my Faith and I love to come to school. I teach across Ash and Oak class to get to know all the children.

We have lots of fun in Early Years, our classrooms and outside learning environments are set up to engage children in a quality education experience that supports the curriculum. I am passionate that all children are excited about learning and achieve their goals. I strongly believe that as a teacher I work alongside Parents and encourage Parents to come into school for our fun events such as Stay and Play, Parent Café and Prince/ Princess day. My spare time is busy with my Family and dog. But I do like to escape to visit new places and other countries for some sunshine. I also love live music concerts and theatre.

Meet the teacher - Mrs Nichols
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
My name is Mrs Sarah Nichols and I am new to Holy Cross School. I am very excited about my first year at the school. I am working with Mrs Rutherford in Ash class on a part time basis. I have been teaching and working in early years education for over 20 years and it is my passion to help children grow and learn in their first years of school life. I love to provide opportunities to learn about the world around them and I really value the importance of learning through play.

I live with my husband, my two teenage sons and our Labrador dog Ruby. Spending time with my family is very important to me; we value a healthy lifestyle and children keep me very busy by watching them take part in lots of sports such as football, cricket and martial arts.
Click to see our 2022-2023 gallery archive.

Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Queen's Drive
Telephone: 01793 527679
Email: admin@holycross.swindon.sch.uk
Headteacher: Mrs S Dowdeswell
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